Happy Rotter and the Endless Upcoming Books

I'm Happy Rotter and this is my blog. I can do whatever I want because I am no longer at The-Place-Whose-Name-I-Can't-Remember. That place is miserable, horrible, and no good word can ever be used to describe that place.

Bella and The Howling Tunnel

Bellatrix was going to cling at Lupin who seemed very quiet as though he had been congregated. He hung low over the howling tunnel which was missing fingernails from its broken feet. While he spoke, Bella, the Bellatrix danced dangerously around the howling tunnel. Now that christmas had come down at Snape’s ferocious office, a headless voice spoke with laughter: “You are therefore much useful because you have accepted my third book.” This made Snape quiver with tears as he turned away quickly and quietly ran backward into the blazing blankets blankly.