Happy Rotter and the Endless Upcoming Books

I'm Happy Rotter and this is my blog. I can do whatever I want because I am no longer at The-Place-Whose-Name-I-Can't-Remember. That place is miserable, horrible, and no good word can ever be used to describe that place.


So, what is this? (Please don’t continue further for the ‘why’ part. You won’t get the answer to ‘why’ here. This page deals with the ‘what’ part.)

This is a website, more precisely a blog by Happy Rotter, to document his adventures at a place whose name he prefers not to remember. However, this is a lie!! This (false confidence) fools Happy into thinking that it is his blog (which makes him happy, pun intended), which, in turn makes him feel special.

Whereas—here comes the truth!—the majority of text (cases, I prefer to call them, or blog posts, as you might prefer to call) present on this site comes from a contract worker. Well, 2! The first worker for hire is an artificial neural network which generates the content. The second WFH is a human who painstakingly makes the first WFH generate the content. The content is then pasted into an editor and published thereafter by the second WFH!

Conspiracy Theory#999: Happy Rotter isn’t real! Don’t tell him I told you.

As always, be awesome be a nerd!

Somewhere in the footer is a link to Happy’s twitter handle. It’s just trash.