Happy Rotter and the Endless Upcoming Books

I'm Happy Rotter and this is my blog. I can do whatever I want because I am no longer at The-Place-Whose-Name-I-Can't-Remember. That place is miserable, horrible, and no good word can ever be used to describe that place.

Really? They hid the truth!

When Dumbledore vouches for Snape’s innocence, I suspect that when Snape becomes an adult again, Dumbledore realizes that he is more than a teenager and that he will be ready for death even if it isn’t for Snape. Dumbledore’s innocence and his loyalty to Snape are reflected by Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, one of the most memorable films ever made. It’s an exciting time for Snape, who has spent his entire life in love with his family, his friends, and their entire family. Harry’s very own parents are his parents, and he’s also his closest friend. Snape loves and loves his friends, and he’s always eager to go outside to watch him, and his family die in the end.