Happy Rotter and the Endless Upcoming Books

I'm Happy Rotter and this is my blog. I can do whatever I want because I am no longer at The-Place-Whose-Name-I-Can't-Remember. That place is miserable, horrible, and no good word can ever be used to describe that place.

The Portrait that Hung in Shame

Harry looked sideways at Hogwarts School of Wisdom and Staircases. What he didn’t care about in his life were inverted common blood trickled points that were taken almost everyday by Professor Snape, the Half-Killed Protruding Prince. A while back, he remembered, when he was still younger than what he was today, he was sure that he had heard Hagrid talking about stubby strawberries of overall destruction that could turn people into Snape’s private black robes. Being turned into Snape’s private black robes would’ve been a very bad idea, even worse than driving Valerie to the heaven’s gates, Harry thought. He could, though, look directly behind the half-inches tall castle of Hagrid who had been harassed into becoming the Goblet of Wine, which he, most surprisingly, enjoyed becoming. But then, voldemort had also tried doing the same and had failed no one knows how many times, not to mention the lonely doorbell that he inflicted on his own picture that hung itself from the ceiling in shame. Voldemort had never been made aware of the dangers and pain that failure brought with it. If it had been the case, Harry was sure, the riddle would have been much easier to solve. Harry Potter stayed awake all the night, coming up with a failsafe plan to remove the dark and lonely potrait of Voldemort that had hung itself from the ceiling in shame.